Tag Archives: Fatherhood; Fathers and Daughters
Fathers, Daughters, and Politics
During the mayhem of the political season, and the absolute clutter and noise that national politics had degenerated into, I think about Betty Roberts. She was the first woman to serve on the Oregon Supreme Court, the first woman on the … Continue reading
What’s a Dad to Do? Part 3
It’s Labor Day, and if fatherhood isn’t a labor of love, nothing is. Where can men get training for this kind of labor? Since my book was published, I’ve been arguing that the place for men to go to learn … Continue reading
Women: Here’s a path to self discovery
To adult daughters—women—of all ages: Do you want to know yourself more deeply? If you’re ready for that, then get to know your father. Truly know him. If he was present in your family life, then he had an enormous … Continue reading
Dear Dad: You Are Larger Than Life
For daughters, and young ones in particular, fathers are larger than life. I saw this clearly when one of my daughters was about nine. We were horsing around, and I flexed my arm muscle for her. She stopped, looked, and … Continue reading
Thank you to the moms out there who’ve written…
I’ve been moved by what several mom bloggers have written about my book. I’ll paste their links below. I hope that their reviews move others to read the book as well. I’d obviously like to sell copies, but the bigger … Continue reading
The Beginnings of This Journey
Lying in a hospital bed near the end of his ninety years, my German grandfather told his youngest son, “I’ve had a hard life.” “Yes,” my father replied, “you have.” My grandfather lost his corner drug store and all of … Continue reading