Category Archives: Uncategorized
Why Bother?
The message I am trying to get out into the world with this book is that to fail a daughter today is to fail a woman tomorrow. And that is to fail the future of humanity. We tend in western … Continue reading
Father-Daughter Scars Can Run Deep–and They Can Heal, Too
I received the following message from a woman who attended my keynote address at a conference in California recently. I share it (with her permission, and the name has been changed) to illustrate just how powerful this high-voltage line is … Continue reading
Denise’s story
Denise was another of the many women I interviewed whose story unfortunately fell on the floor of the editing room. It’s unfortunate, because there was so much she took from both of her parents. I’m glad to include it here, … Continue reading
Behind the Scenes: An Unpublished Interview
I wasn’t able to use in my book all of the interviews, due the the length of what could be published. One story that I was heartbroken to leave out was Nancy’s. Nancy was 71 when we did the interview. … Continue reading
Women: Here’s a path to self discovery
To adult daughters—women—of all ages: Do you want to know yourself more deeply? If you’re ready for that, then get to know your father. Truly know him. If he was present in your family life, then he had an enormous … Continue reading
Dear Dad: You Are Larger Than Life
For daughters, and young ones in particular, fathers are larger than life. I saw this clearly when one of my daughters was about nine. We were horsing around, and I flexed my arm muscle for her. She stopped, looked, and … Continue reading
Dads–Try This
I’d like to share a suggestion with dads (and moms who may want to share with their husbands). Do what I did. Go talk with women about their experiences with their fathers. You don’t need to do 50 interviews obviously. … Continue reading
Thank you to the moms out there who’ve written…
I’ve been moved by what several mom bloggers have written about my book. I’ll paste their links below. I hope that their reviews move others to read the book as well. I’d obviously like to sell copies, but the bigger … Continue reading
When Fathers Leave a Hole in Your Heart
I was moved by the openness, honesty, and longing that Danielle Pergament talks about in her June blog post below. So I’ve copied from I write about this longing in my book, of fathers who leave a gaping hole … Continue reading
What’s a dad to do? Part 2
What else did I learn after talking with 50 daughters from around the world? Here’s a radical notion: Retire. Now. OK, that might be a bit over the top, taken literally. You probably can’t quit your job right now. But … Continue reading