Category Archives: Uncategorized
Fathers, Daughters, and Finding Love as a Woman
A reader of my column in The Oregonian on Thursday Jan. 17 ( shared her very personal story with me. I was so moved by it, I wanted to share it with you. Sadly, I am hearing so many stories … Continue reading
For Better, For Worse: How Fathers Shape Their Daughters and the Luck of the Draw
Re-posted from The Oregonian, Jan. 17, 2013 “Reading Kevin Renner’s memoir of fatherhood prompts me to say to women, regardless of age, culture, or background: ‘Tell me if and how your father loved you as a child, and I’ll tell … Continue reading
An Independent Life
When the snow starts to fly in the Cascade Mountains, I think of Joie Smith. Joie started a towing business more than 40 years ago at the base of Mt. Hood, and has rescued thousands of unfortunate drivers and their … Continue reading
The importance of hugging your daughter
Dads, hug your daughters starting at day 1, and then until they can’t stand it anymore. A real important contribution to fatherhood and parenthood generally from Nicholas Kristof at the NY Times…
Elections, Civil Rights, and One Father’s Beliefs
Emotions often run high during presidential elections, especially around issues of civil rights. 2012 is no exception. Women’s issues and marriage equality are front and center, but the underlying belief in human dignity and fairness come from the same passion … Continue reading
Fathers, Daughters, and Politics
During the mayhem of the political season, and the absolute clutter and noise that national politics had degenerated into, I think about Betty Roberts. She was the first woman to serve on the Oregon Supreme Court, the first woman on the … Continue reading
What’s a Dad to Do? Part 3
It’s Labor Day, and if fatherhood isn’t a labor of love, nothing is. Where can men get training for this kind of labor? Since my book was published, I’ve been arguing that the place for men to go to learn … Continue reading
I want the time back…
“I want my daddy back!” I remember this scene as if it were yesterday. My oldest daughter Julia was two. We were vacationing with another couple. I had a back injury and couldn’t lift her. So my friend Brian held … Continue reading
What a compliment!
OK, so I have another Father’s Day story. Not long ago, I’m shopping at Nordstrom. A nice young woman, maybe in her mid 20s, is helping me. I buy some stuff. She rings up the charges. As I open my … Continue reading
Fatherhood is not for wimps
OK. With Father’s Day coming up, I have a story to share. I took a really great class about 10 years ago, from someone who’d done her PhD at the Harvard Business School. Sitting next to me was a younger … Continue reading