Category Archives: Uncategorized
Finding your father in your mate
There’s a deep psychological connection between the men women “fall in love with” and their fathers. It’s full of texture, nuance, and of course entanglement. Many thanks to Kimberly Dawn Neumann, who wrote about my book for the cover story … Continue reading
This was nice to see…
Thank you Lisa Klug for the nice story on my work and book, which landed in 4 million homes in this magazine:
Book reading and signing at Powell’s Beaverton
For those in or near Portland, Powell’s Books is hosting me for a reading and book signing on June 6, @ 7pm, at the Cedar Hills Crossing store in Beaverton. I hope you can join!
There’s no shame in crying, my dear. Even at 72.
Readers of this blog and my Oregonian column are writing heartfelt, moving letters. The one below is excerpted from an email sent by “Rhonda” (not her real name). Her story is a poignant reminder of the profound, enduring loss felt … Continue reading
From hell on earth, to her deathbed, to a resurrection
Katie and I were young when we separated for good. Or so we thought. We met as sixth graders in an east Multnomah County elementary school. The following summer she became the first girl I kissed. Katie had strawberry blond … Continue reading
Parenting (and living) mindfully…
One of the areas I research and work in is mindfulness, and how it can be used personally, in families, and in the workplace to address stress and chronic disease that deplete people and the companies they work for. More … Continue reading
When a father comes knocking…and then doesn’t
No truer words were ever spoken.
Fathers, daughters, and hell on earth: The luck of the draw means life or death
Shocking beyond comprehension. That’s the only way I can describe the headline and story on the front page of The Oregonian’s Metro section March 1. “Verdict: murder by abuse.” I scanned the article’s sub-head–Donald Lee Cockrell of Sandy is found … Continue reading
When a father leaves a hole in his daughter’s heart
This is from my monthly column that runs in The Oregonian, Feb. 21, 2013. “You will be the most important man in her life forever. When she is 25, she will mentally size her boyfriend or husband up against you. … Continue reading
Last Words
Here is a contribution from a woman who’s written to me after reading some of my work. She shares her personal journey of coming to terms with her father. I want to describe the two last important times I shared … Continue reading