Kevin Renner received his social science degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz before beginning his career as a business journalist. Later he completed an MBA at the University of California, Berkeley, where he lived with 600 women and men from around the world at The International House.
A marketing career has taken him through fast-growth startups, successful global companies, and business implosions. His interest in cross-cultural perspectives evolved as his career presented opportunities to work throughout Europe and Asia.
The founder and president of B2B Market Strategies, Kevin divides his time among his family, writing, and his work as a marketing and brand strategist to emerging companies.
About the Book
In Search of Fatherhood is a love story—about the love the author feels for his own daughters, about the love every daughter is born to feel for her father, and about the love that those fathers do or don’t provide to their daughters and how that plays out over a daughter’s lifetime.
Author Kevin Renner spent more than a year interviewing 50 women from around the world. They shared their life stories and how they were shaped by their fathers’ affection, attention, ambivalence, abandonment, and abuse.
Rich and poor; well known and anonymous; lesbian, straight, and transgender, these women included a retired state Supreme Court judge, executives, professional athletes, and former drug addicts. Some have lived lives of abundance and others have been homeless and suicidal. They were from Liberia, Lithuania, Germany, China, Canada, the US, Holland, India, Mexico, and places in between.